Widen dangerous sections of the Roma Condamine Road (Highway) to an 8 metre seal

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Jennifer Philp
"Pine Hill"
Total Signatures - 918
Sponsoring Member: Ms Ann Leahy MP
Posting Date: 3/4/2023
Closing Date: 31/7/2023
Tabled Date: 22/8/2023
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP on 21/9/2023
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House to:

• the poor condition of the narrow sections of the Roma Condamine Road in the Western Downs Regional Council area and the fact that bike tracks are wider than this road;

• the need to rehabilitate and widen the narrow road sections to an 8-metre seal;

• the fact that no funds have been spent on rehabilitation or widening in the Western Downs Section of this road for the last seven years;

• Main Roads mass restrictions on Dogwood Creek Bridge at Miles which are forcing heavy wide loads to detour onto the crumbling Roma Condamine Road;

• increased traffic on the road from resources and the intensive agriculture sectors which generate millions of dollars’ worth of revenue for the State Government; and

• the increasing number of accidents and incidents on this road due to the poor condition of the road.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all within their power to:

• undertake the necessary works to restore the Dogwood Creek Bridge to full capacity as a matter of urgency; 

• commence the business plan to replace the Dogwood Creek Bridge at Miles;

• ensure the rehabilitation and widening of the narrow sections of the Roma Condamine Road to an 8-metre seal in the Western Downs Regional Council area and have these works completed over a period of no longer than two years.