Excessive noise pollution from Brisbane's flight paths

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Professor Marcus Foth
PO Box 2031
Total Signatures - 3596
Sponsoring Member: Dr Amy MacMahon MP
Posting Date: 5/6/2023
Closing Date: 20/8/2023
Tabled Date: 22/8/2023
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP on 21/9/2023
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House Airservices Australia admitted in Senate Estimates that families and communities in more than 226 suburbs across Greater Brisbane are affected by noise pollution from Brisbane’s flight paths. Three independent entities, the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman, the Brisbane Airport PIR Advisory Forum, and Trax International confirmed inadequate engagement and inaccurate information were provided by Brisbane Airport Corporation and Airservices Australia about changes to flight paths prior to the New Parallel Runway’s launch. Since then, thousands of complaints have been sent to the Premier.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to establish a Parliamentary Inquiry into the impact of Brisbane’s flight paths and ways to rectify the situation using the powers and advocacy of the State of Queensland. The inquiry’s scope should encompass: (i) the clinical and cognitive effects of aircraft noise on Brisbane school children and students; (ii) the human health and environmental toll including ultra-fine particle air pollution; (iii) the influence of the aviation industry’s donations to political parties and lobby groups; (iv) the need to reform state planning legislation as a result of inadequacies identified in the National Airports Safeguarding Framework 2016 with relying on Australian Noise Exposure Forecasts (ANEF) for land use planning; (v) the failure to engage communities and obtain a social licence to operate drone delivery services and air taxis in Queensland.