Stop the proposed construction of a four lane highway up the Kuranda Range

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
S Isaacs
C/- Kuranda EnviroCare Inc
Total Signatures - 2370
Sponsoring Member: Dr Lesley Clark MP
Posting Date: 10/11/2004
Tabled Date: 10/11/2004
Responded By: Paul Lucas on 6/1/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of residents of Queensland draws the attention of the house
to the proposed Kuranda Range upgrade.

1. This is estimated to cost $500 million. We believe that this money
would be better spent on hospitals and education in Queensland.

2. We question the need for a four lane highway and believe public
transport options should be improved instead. Population growth has also
slowed since the planning for the upgrade started.

3. The highway would cause enormous environmental damage to a Wet Tropics
area, both during the ten years of construction and after completion.

4. The highway would decrease the quality of life for both Kuranda and
Smithfield residents.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to stop the construction of
a four lane highway up the Kuranda Range.