Establishment of an Ambulance Station in Glenwood

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Maryborough
Principal Petitioner:
I Brown
15 Strawbridges Road
Total Signatures - 277
Sponsoring Member: Chris Foley MP
Posting Date: 10/11/2004
Tabled Date: 10/11/2004
Responded By: Responded Minister on 6/12/2004
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of the Electors of the Division of Maryborough draws to the
attention of the House, Emergency Health and Public Safety, between
Gympie and Maryborough in the Shire of Tiaro in South-East Queensland.
There is public concern for the Emergency Health and Public Safety of the
Travelling Public on the Bruce Highway and the Residents of the
surrounding areas of Glenwood and including Anderleigh, Bauple, Curra,
GlenEcho, Gunalda, Gundiah, Kanigan, Rossendale, Tiaro and Theebine
through the lack of an Ambulance Station in the area of Glenwood, which
in turn means a considerable delay in emergency help in the event of
accidents on the highway and in the area. Glenwood has the largest
proportion of the population of the Shire of Tiaro of which a significant
number are retired persons and the Shire has six (6) Primary Schools and
three (3) Kindergartens/Pre-Schools. The distance between Gympie and
Maryborough has 90 Km of the Bruce Highway and Glenwood is approximately

Your petitioners therefore request the House to release Funds and approve
the establishment of an Ambulance Station in Glenwood or close proximity
of Glenwood in the Shire of Tiaro as soon as possible so as not to
endanger the health and further complications to the health of persons
needing emergency attention.