TEST Save Australian Seafood TEST

Eligibility - Electors of Broadwater
Principal Petitioner:
Professor Binsa Paul
56 Coonan St
Indooroopilly Queensland 4068
Total Signatures - 3
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 21/3/2024
Closing Date: 13/9/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

draws to the attention of the House the impending closure to the inshore gillnet fishery. A result of the joint state and federal government decision to wipe out gillnet fishing activities along Queensland’s East-Coast. This decision being “Making the Great Barrier Reef gillnet free by mid-2027

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to reconsider and work with industry to develop a balanced solution that protects the Great Barrier Reef whilst also allowing sustainable fishing practices, including N2 inshore gillnet licences. For those fishers exiting the industry, they must be properly reimbursed for the resumption of their business enterprises.