Close Pine Gap!

Eligibility - Queensland Residents
Principal Petitioner:
Mr Deepanshu Dhingra
2 George St
Brisbane City Queensland 4000
Total Signatures - 1
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 26/3/2024
Closing Date: 24/4/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

draws to the attention of the House Since Pine Gap has been opened, it has been used as an operating base by the CIA to advance US interests at the behest of Australian sovereignty. The facility has been used to spy on global citizens, and organise criminal bombings on countries such as Cambodia. The US has interfered with our sovereignty by dismissing Gough Whitlam for threatening to close Pine Gap, thus showcasing a complete lack of respect for our sovereignty. Pine Gap is a threat to global privacy, world peace, and Australian sovereignty. Australia is a sovereign country of its own right, and is not simply an empty plot of land for the US to use to further its own agenda. It does not protect Australia, but rather makes it more vulnerable, and it is not in our sovereign interests to continue to maintain such a facility.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to We therefore ask the House to close the Pine Gap facility, and investigate other US military bases in Australia like this.