Help/support people who are in unfortunate situations.

Eligibility - Queensland Residents
Principal Petitioner:
Mr Deepanshu Dhingra
2A George Street
Brisbane CBD Queensland 4000
Total Signatures - 1134
Sponsoring Member: Bailey, Mark
Posting Date: 27/3/2024
Closing Date: 28/3/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

draws to the attention of the House Poverty. Considering the amount of people who live on the streets, the ones who lay on the ground in sleeping bags to pieces of cardboard or none at all is a terrible situation you wouldn’t want to be in yourself. Imagine the embarrassment they’d feel while people walk by, glancing over with pity or look over curiously at them and their small donation cup asking help from the public. Having no opportunities to work and instead staying on the streets also does impact our society. By not being able to work or help participate in our society as most do in a way by working hours and so on can disrupt out whole system from working to getting paid then spending our money. Onto taxes, bills, groceries and etc.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to We therefore ask the House to help support people in unfortunate circumstances and receive the restart they need to participate in society as a working citizen again. Which means I strive for at least the minimum amount of signatures needed as long or more to help convince the government to get more help towards the homeless. I’d hope to see them all in homes where they wouldn’t lay out on the benches or grounds to sleep on with enough food and water.