Zone Lot 3, RP57951, Parish Mooloolah as a regional landscape and rural production area under the SEQ Regional Plan

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Nicklin
Principal Petitioner:
L Austin
197 Winston Road South
Total Signatures - 149
Sponsoring Member: Peter Wellington MP
Posting Date: 24/2/2005
Tabled Date: 24/2/2005
Responded By: Terry Mackenroth on 17/3/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of electors of the Division of Nicklin draws to the
attention of the House, application for very high density industrial
development, western side of the Bruce Highway, Chevallum, Lot 3,
RP57951, Parish Mooloolah, operated as Robert’s Turf Supplies. Maroochy
Shire Council says it’s omitted from the Draft SEQ Regional Plan.

This area is flood prone land, Council has warning signs and depth
indicators. It is bordered on two sides by strawberry farms.

Under the Draft SEQ Regional Plan and the Premier’s commitment on Channel
7, Saturday 29th January, it should be retained for rural production.

Under Maroochy Plan 2000 the proposed subdivision is in direct
contravention of six Council flood planning regulations and the
following: Section 3.21 (9) Intent “This precinct is intended to
accommodate … medium to large business and industry uses.

The intent of the Draft SEQ Regional plan “to ensure long-term protection
from inappropriate forms of development particularly the encroachment of
urban land uses and the further fragmentation of land holdings for rural
residential and other similar activities”.

Under Principles and Strategies, Principle 1.1 Regional Landscape and
Rural Production Area – S1.2 – Protect land and resources from
inappropriate land use and development in Regional Landscape and Rural
Production Areas.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to: commit to zoning this
lot, Regional Landscape and Rural Production area under the SEQ Regional
Plan. Instruct Maroochy Shire Council to return the land to the
abovementioned purpose.