Control program for growing population of crows in south Palm Beach

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
R Linnane
2/74 Sarawak Avenue
Total Signatures - 40
Sponsoring Member: Jann Stuckey MP
Posting Date: 22/3/2005
Tabled Date: 22/3/2005
Responded By: Desley Boyle on 23/5/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the state of Queensland draws the attention
of the House to the growing population of crows in the south Palm Beach
area which are becoming a nuisance and causing an intolerable noise.
Residents are unable to sleep from sunrise and the general amenity of the
area is being affected.

The petitioners request the House commit to the Department of Natural
Resources and Mines to introduce a control program.