Remove restrictions on hand miners of the Anakie Gemfields

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
G Graham
Lot 128 Rubyhill Crescent
Total Signatures - 127
Sponsoring Member: Vaughan Johnson MP
Posting Date: 20/4/2005
Tabled Date: 20/4/2005
Responded By: Stephen Robertson on 25/5/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the
House of restrictions imposed by the Emerald Mining Registrar on hand
miners of the Anakie Mining field. These restrictions deny hand miners
the right to the entire mineral on our claims by not allowing miners to
process by hand the material legally extracted from our claims for water
storage or the sapphires that are in the walls of our water storage
facility. These claims are only allowed to be 30 metres x 30 metres in
which we need a dwelling, water storage facility, processing plant and
hand mining equipment. The water storage has to be large enough to last
through extended periods of drought for a viable living to be achieved.
We are now denied the right to sapphires and other minerals on our claims
of which we pay rent, rates, royalty, and compensation under an
Indigenous Land Use Agreement on 100% of our claims, but cannot have the
sapphires and other minerals legally excavated on our claims for water.
We believe our right to these minerals has been illegally taken from us.
This will prevent hand miners from making a living on our claims and
create more unemployment in our community.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to have these restrictions
removed from the hand miners of the Anakie Gemfields.