Request for review of Christina Wong’s case as a doctor, order an apology and arrange rehabilitation programs, appropriate position and request for independent judicial review

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
C Wong
5 Toulon Street
Total Signatures - 1
Sponsoring Member: Rosa Lee Long
Posting Date: 20/4/2005
Tabled Date: 20/4/2005
Responded By: Gordon Nuttall on 10/6/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of a citizen of Queensland, I, Christina Wong, strongly
protest, unjust, illegal treatment and discrimination against myself, a
former doctor suffering depression and Chinese immigrant from Hong Kong.
I was a GP trainee at Inala Health Centre in 2001. This abuse risked my
life and patient's. The Ombudsman's report, exposed gross negligence by
Queensland Health, Inala Health Centre, Queensland's Medical Board,
Toowong Private Hospital and other supervisors. My Inala Health Centre,
Medical Board supervisor and Toowong Private Hospital, primary treating
psychiatrist, totally failed their duty of care to me and patients. The
Medical Tribunal covered up the true facts of my case. This resulted in a
miscarriage of justice, perversion of Queensland’s legal system and
deregistration. Referring to the parliamentary speech by Dr Bruce Flegg
MP, 11 November 2004 – I table the Ombudsman’s report, which says that
the Medical Board knew of her condition and that it failed in her

Your petitioner therefore requests the House to (1) Assist the Health
Minister in making the independent review of my case comprehensive,
public and bipartisan considering the previous risk to my life and
patients at Inala in 2001. (2) Order a written, public apology from the
Queensland Government. (3) Arrange just and fair redress, rehabilitation
programs, reinstatement and an appropriate doctor’s position. (4) Please
direct the Attorney General to order a judicial review of the Medical
Tribunal that deregistered me for 5 years in 2002.