North South bypass tunnel and TransApex

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
J Wells
172 Park Road
Total Signatures - 485
Sponsoring Member: Hon Anna Bligh MP
Posting Date: 8/7/2005
Closing Date: 8/1/2006
Tabled Date: 14/2/2006
Responded By: Paul Lucas on 19/5/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the proposal for the North South
Bypass Tunnel for Brisbane and the consequent TransApex proposal.

The negative impacts of the North South Bypass Tunnel and the consequent TransApex proposal by the Lord Mayor for
Brisbane, Campbell Newman are numerous and will be borne by the residents of Brisbane for generations to come.

The construction and operation of TransApex will lead to ratepayers bearing the heavy burden of Council’s debt,
compounded by reduce local services and infrastructure.

Despite Council's claims, the proposal will not relieve congestion. No city in the world has ever built its way out of
congestion. Sustainable alternatives must be advanced, not more of the same.

The air quality both in the tunnels and in suburbs surrounding the portals and smoke stacks will be reduced further below
National Standards, leading to worsening health effects for the vulnerable. Currently, health impacts from traffic pollution in
Brisbane are estimated to be in excess of hundreds of millions of dollars per year. The residents of Queensland must not
bear this cost or the significant contribution from the tunnel needlessly.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to oppose in any manner available to its powers, the proposal by the Brisbane
City Council to construct an unfiltered road tunnel, currently described as the North South Bypass Tunnel as part of

North South bypass tunnel and TransApex:
Requesting the House to oppose the
proposal by the Brisbane City Council to
construct an unfiltered road tunnel,
described as the North South Bypass
Tunnel and TransApex