Objection to the approval by Caloundra City Council of Development Application for Material Change of Use to establish a duplex dwelling, comprising 5 storeys, situated at 114 Pacific Boulevard, Buddina

Eligibility - Electors of the division of Kawana
Principal Petitioner:
M Johnson
116 Pacific Boulevard
Total Signatures - 401
Sponsoring Member: Hon Chris Cummins MP
Posting Date: 9/8/2005
Tabled Date: 9/8/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the Division of Kawana draws to the attention of the House their objection to the approval by
Caloundra City Council of Development Application for Material Change of Use to establish a duplex dwelling, comprising 5
storeys, situated at 114 Pacific Boulevard, Buddina, Application No 2004/50-00097 development Report No 20050322.sc.1.
Council's Town Planning Division rejected the application on the grounds that it does not comply with Council’s Town Plan
for the Buddina Urban Village Precinct, but Council approved it. This 5 storey duplex development was processed
as ‘Code Assessable’ and as such requires no public notification before approval, with no right of appeal after approval.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to support the Minister for Local Government & Planning to review and alter
the 'Code Assessable' requirements, by making all submissions for approval in this category notifiable to the public. This
would ensure that residents have the opportunity to object to, or support, the application.