Recycled sewage water for drinking

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
CA Rolls
5 Coonan Street
Total Signatures - 182
Sponsoring Member: Kerry Shine MP
Posting Date: 2/9/2005
Closing Date: 24/10/2005
Tabled Date: 25/10/2005
Responded By: Henry Palaszczuk on 6/1/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House that the Toowoomba city Council propose to introduce recycled
sewage water into the State’s water supply for integration into our drinking water supply.

Your petitioners, therefore request the House to take all steps to ensure that treated sewage wastewater is not, now, or
in the future, inserted into any of the State’s rivers, dams or waterways (State’s water supply).

Take immediate steps to ensure that treated sewage wastewater is not inserted either directly or indirectly into the State’s
drinking water mains or pipelines.

Take immediate steps to cancel any and all previously made decisions or plans that would introduce treated sewage
wastewater into the State’s water supply.

Take action to ensure the direct Reuse of Treated Sewage Wastewater Demonstration Plant at Pine Rivers is not
introduced into the State’s water supply and is kept separate for non-drinking purposes.

We request that you also vote to veto Toowoomba City Council’s proposal to introduce treated sewage wastewater into
Cooby Dam as outlined in Toowoomba Water Futures Project and intended by Council to be included in the South East
Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program 2005-2026.

Recycled sewage water for drinking: Requesting the House to take all
steps to ensure that treated sewage wastewater is not, now, or in the
future, inserted into any of the State’s rivers, dams or waterways (State’s
water supply