Cruise liner terminal in the Broadwater

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
L Levy
2/6 Yeramba Place
Total Signatures - 1098
Sponsoring Member: Hon Peter Beattie MP
Posting Date: 29/9/2005
Tabled Date: 29/9/2005
Responded By: Anna Bligh on 21/11/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This Petition of the Citizens and Residents of the State of Queensland
draws to the attention of the house their concerns over the negative
environmental impacts associated with the construction of a cruise liner
terminal and associated infrastructure at the Southport Spit. This
project would result in serious ecological disturbance as well as the
loss of highly significant recreational amenity and public open space. It
is anticipated that the project would place unacceptable limits on the
use of the Seaway and Spit foreshores by surfers, fishers, the boating
community and other beachgoers and sightseers.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to respect the wishes of the
community and refuse any applications made to build a cruise liner
terminal in the Broadwater and any supporting residential and commercial
development on the public open space on the Spit or other Broadwater

Further we seek a commitment from the House to retain and manage the
public open space areas of the Spit and other Broadwater foreshores as
natural areas for the benefit of residents now, and in the future.