No formal community consultation run by the Department of Main Roads on their proposal to install traffic lights at four locations

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
M O'Flynn
Lot 28 Orchid Road
Total Signatures - 107
Sponsoring Member: Jan Jarratt MP
Posting Date: 20/10/2005
Closing Date: 21/11/2005
Tabled Date: 22/11/2005
Responded By: Paul Lucas on 4/1/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of the residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House that no formal community
consultation has been run with the Whitsunday community by the Department of Main Roads (DMR) on DMR’s proposal to install traffic lights at four locations on the Shute Harbour Road: Paluma Road, Island Drive, Shingley Beach, opposite Adina Street.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to obtain a commitment from DMR to run a comprehensive community
consultation process with Whitsunday residents on DMR’s proposal before works commence.

Your petitioners also request the House to obtain a commitment from DMR that this community consultation process will
meet the standard of the second consultation process which DMR ran in the Mackay Electorate (Malcomson Street
Planning Study) and to obtain DMR’s assurance that Whitsunday community-generated options meeting DMR’s conditions, which are formally submitted to DMR through the Residents Action Group, will be included in the list of options for consideration by community and government so we may work together to identify and achieve the best
outcome for the community whilst also considering the impact the design has on repeat tourism export targets and DMR’s overriding objectives.

Your petitioners further request the House to obtain DMR’s commitment to run a comprehensive community consultation process on each future occasion that traffic lights are to be proposed as a traffic management option for the Whitsunday Division, including additional locations currently under consideration.

No formal community consultation run by the Department of Main Roads on their proposal to install traffic lights at four locations: Requesting the House to obtain DMR’s commitment to run comprehensive community consultation processes in the future