Remove the investigation area at Bridges from the South East Queensland Regional Plan for Industry

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
R Day
51 Burtons Road
Total Signatures - 317
Sponsoring Member: Peter Wellington MP
Posting Date: 25/10/2005
Tabled Date: 25/10/2005
Responded By: Peter Beattie on 30/11/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland, draws to the attention of the
House the magnitude and impact of the 367ha, (approximately 900 acres)
investigation site at Bridges (Yandina), identified on the South East
Queensland Regional Plan for Industry. The site is larger than the
combined area of the Historic Rural towns of Yandina and Eumundi. The
rural character and scenic amenity of the district will be destroyed.
Property values and the viability of tourist based businesses will
decline if the district is transformed from a picturesque rural area to
an industrial zone with noise, air and water pollution. The land is
designated for agricultural protection in the Maroochy Plan 2000. Six
major and 20 minor headwater streams of the North Maroochy River bisect
the undulating topography. Land adjacent to Browns Creek is flood prone
and the riparian zone contains significant vegetation communities. This
proposal will impact on the Maroochy River (D rating) and the ground
water. The site has no direct access to rail or highway infrastructure
and no public transport. Two low clearance, flood-prone rail underpasses
provide the only connection from the highway to Yandina and Bridges.
Truck and commuter traffic will severely impact on the local school and
the amenity of the town. There has been no community consultation. The
People of Maroochy Shire overwhelmingly rejected development of this kind
in the Maroochy 2025 visioning process.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to remove the investigation
area at Bridges from the SEQ Regional Plan.