Driver testing services are restored to the level of service Malanda and district was receiving

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
R Sorensen
122 Anderson Road
Total Signatures - 120
Sponsoring Member: Rosa Lee Long MP
Posting Date: 27/10/2005
Tabled Date: 26/10/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This Petition of the residents of Queensland draws to the attention of
the House the cancellation of practical driving tests that were conducted
by the Department of Transport in the townships of Malanda, Dimbulah and
Mount Molloy. This valuable service was well utilised and allowed young
people to do their driving instruction, and take their test, locally.
They did not have to take extra time out of their senior school studies.
Malanda is a service hub for the whole area, and people from Millaa
Millaa, the Maalan, Butchers Creek, Topaz and other locations have to
travel far enough to Malanda to become familiar with the streets and
traffic obstacles, without having the added distance to Atherton.

Your petitioners therefore request the house to ensure driver testing
services are restored to the level of service Malanda and district was
receiving, that is one-day-a-fortnight testing by a Department of
Transport testing officer, operating in Malanda.