Investigate the Board of Directors of the Logan and District Services Club, t/a

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
W Burton
5/10 Croydon Road
Total Signatures - 30
Sponsoring Member: Desley Scott MP
Posting Date: 27/10/2005
Tabled Date: 27/10/2005
Responded By: Margaret Keech on 15/12/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the

(a) Denial of Natural Justice resulting from the wrongful use of the
Diggers Club's Judiciary Committee in terminating for life the Membership
of twenty six RSL War Veterans in 1996 for signing a Club petition
requesting a meeting of members to discuss the management of the Club,
plus a further 13 War Veterans up to today's date.

(b) The substantial injustice being the actions of the Board of Directors
of the Logan and Districts Services Club in vote rigging at the yearly
AGM of the Club also as to control the membership of the Board in two
ways. The first is the removing the voting rights of RSL War Veterans at
the AGM. The second is the enrolling of bogus Service Associate Members
for voting at the AGM.

(c) The Board Chairperson, on advice of the Board Solicitor, refused the
Logan and District Sub Branch RSL members, the right to challenge the
membership list of Service Associate Members at the 2005 AGM.

We, the citizens of Logan City, request that the Office of Fair Trading
appoint an Inspector, with wide powers to investigate, under section 110
of the Incorporations Act, the substantial injustice and denial of
natural justice that has been done and is continuing to be done to more
than thirty-nine Logan and Districts RSL Sub Branch Members by the Board
of Directors of the Logan and District Services Club, T/a "he Diggers"at
42 Blackwood Rd Woodridge.