International campaign against whaling

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Y Bishop
107 Areon Aenue
Total Signatures - 280
Sponsoring Member: Carryn Sullivan MP
Posting Date: 9/11/2005
Tabled Date: 9/11/2005
Responded By: Desley Boyle on 12/12/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This petition of Queensland citizens draws to your attention that the
Japanese Government's plan to start hunting fin and humpback whales and
to double the number of minke whales killed in its annual Antarctic hunt
to over 800.

A substantial number of these whales will be killed within the Australian
Whale Sanctuary (AWS) and will include humpbacks that migrate up the east
and west-coast of Australia every winter. Humpback whales have only just
begun to recover from hunting, after they were reduced to only 100
individuals in 1962. If Japan's plan to kill these magnificent creatures
goes ahead, some of the humpback whales we will delight in watching on
their migration up our coast this winter will not be returning in coming

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to act urgently to assist
the international campaign against whaling by supporting efforts to bring
Japan to account before the International Court of Justice for
its “scientific” whaling.