The location of the prepschool and possible sale of the preschool at Toowong State School

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
J Jenkins
44 Wool Street
Total Signatures - 161
Sponsoring Member: Andrew Fraser
Posting Date: 31/1/2006
Closing Date: 30/3/2006
Tabled Date: 19/4/2006
Responded By: Rod Welford on 19/7/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that Education Queensland has advised Toowong State School that:

• the new Preparatory Year building will be located on the top oval at the St Osyth Street campus;
• the part of the Kate Street campus containing the existing pre-school will be sold.

Toowong State School is a small inner-city school, with a rich history and high heritage values which is located on two
campuses with limited available space.

The school community supports locating the Preparatory Year facility on the St Osyth Street campus, proximate to other
children in the early years of their education. Further, the school community supports the establishment of a facility which recognises the school’s heritage value.

The petitioners request:

1. The Preparatory Year building not be located on the top oval as this would significantly reduce the limited existing
playspace for students.

2. The Preschool not be excised from the bottom campus and then sold, but retained as an integral part of this campus of the school. This recognises that the preschool is not in fact a stand alone facility, and further, the space will be gainfully utilised by the school which has limited available space.

3. A different siting for the Preparatory Year Building be agreed between Toowong State School, Education Queensland the
school’s P&C, noting that the school community is prepared to contribute to reaching an appropriate solution which takes
account of the limited playspace available and the recognised heritage values of the school.

The location of the prepschool and possible sale of the preschool at Toowong State School: Requesting the House to not locate the prepschool on the top oval; retain the preschool; and agree on a different siting for the preparatory year building