Children born in second half of 2001 not able to attend Prep

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
H Sherman
PO Box 44
Total Signatures - 642
Sponsoring Member: Gary Fenlon MP
Posting Date: 16/3/2006
Closing Date: 30/6/2006
Tabled Date: 8/8/2006
Responded By: Rod Welford on 11/10/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House parents of children born between 1st of July and 31st December 2001 will no longer be given the opportunity to allow their children to repeat Preschool or attend the new Prep program. These children will be forced to commence Grade One in 2007, even if parents and teachers deem them not to be at an age appropriate developmental stage in terms of their social, emotional, academic, physical, and psychological or language skills.

Your petitioners therefore, request the House to continue to allow parents and teachers to jointly decide whether these
children are ready to attend Grade One, and if they aren’t to offer parents a choice to allow their child to attend Prep in 2007 with the children born 1st January and 30 June 2002.

Children born in second half of 2001 not able to attend Prep: Requesting the House to continue to allow parents and teachers to decide whether these children are ready to attend Grade One, and if they aren’t to offer parents a choice to allow their child to attend Prep in 2007