Construction of a public swimming pool adjacent to the Kuranda High School

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Steve Wettenhall
15 Passchendaele Street
Stratford QLD 4870
Total Signatures - 380
Sponsoring Member: Dr Lesley Clark MP
Posting Date: 6/6/2006
Tabled Date: 6/6/2006
Responded By: Tom Barton on 4/7/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the fact that the community of Kuranda has no public swimming pool. Some 5000 people live in the Kuranda region and a swimming pool will provide the following benefits:

• improved physical fitness and health of Kuranda residents
• reduction of ear infections in children who currently swim in the Barron River
• reduce time lost from school to access a swimming pool in Mareeba or Cairns for swimming lessons

Your petitioners therefore request the House to call on the Sports Minister Tom Barton to give favourable consideration to the Mareeba Shire Council's $592,000 funding application to the Dept Sport and Recreation's Major Facilities Program 2007 to contribute to the construction of a public swimming pool adjacent to the Kuranda High School.