Rail Freight Yards at Parkinson

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Angela Owen-Taylor
245 Nottingham Road
Calamvale QLD
Total Signatures - 42
Sponsoring Member: Michael Caltabiano MP
Posting Date: 8/8/2006
Tabled Date: 8/8/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House to the plans to breach the trust of Queensland residents by developing rail freight yards at Parkinson (1RP204756 and 2RP218926). Despite assurances from both sides of the house, and a 'cast iron guarantee' from the Hon Peter Beattie that these yards would never be developed, Queensland Rail is proposing to develop rail freight facilities on this site. This will have serious adverse impacts on the nearly 100,000 residents immediately effected by this development and sever the regionally important wildlife corridor between Karawatha Forest and Greenbank Military Training Area.
Your petitioners therefore request the House to
• Honour its pledge to the people of Queensland, and immediately withdraw the plans to develop this site
• The Premier and the Leader of the Opposition both provide written assurances that this development will not proceed
• That the South East Queensland Regional plan be amended to exclude these sites from the urban footprint
• Ownership of these properties be transferred from Queensland Rail to an environmental custodian
• That these properties be included in the "Glider Forest" conservation park