Ipswich to Springfield Public Transport corridor

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Ipswich
Principal Petitioner:
Louise Cullum
5 Kimberley Way
Flinders View QLD 4305
Total Signatures - 1029
Sponsoring Member: Rachel Nolan MP
Posting Date: 7/2/2007
Tabled Date: 7/2/2007
Responded By: Hon Paul Lucas MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of the electors of the Division of Ipswich and other concerned citizens and residents of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the adverse impact the proposed Ipswich to Springfield Public Transport Corridor, in particular option 18 and to a slightly lesser degree option lA, will have on residents in the Ipswich electorate in general and specifically the Flinders View area. To impose such a transportation link in an already well-established residential area, when other options are available, will create a detrimental effect on property values, quality of life, child and general safety, family harmony, neighbourhood serenity and community standards. Residents purchased properties in this area with an expectation that the pervading atmosphere they currently enjoy would be preserved in perpetuity, never expecting they would be exposed to the noise and pollution of a railway passing their door. Searches conducted prior to purchase provided prospective residents with no warning that a railway would be implanted into this community. Railways have a reputation of attracting the less law-abiding members of our community and that is not the type of environment in which we wish to raise our families. It is inappropriate and unjust that residents currently well settled in an area, most with young children, should be so severely disadvantaged in order that potential or newly arrived residents may have their transport requirements serviced.
Your petitioners therefore request the House to reject the current proposals and determine an alternate solution that will not denigrate the lifestyle and safety of our community.