Genetically manipulated food crops

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Frank Ondrus
PO Box 6188
Toowoomba West QLD 4350
Total Signatures - 1643
Sponsoring Member: Hon K Shine MP
Posting Date: 13/3/2007
Tabled Date: 13/3/2007
Responded By: Hon Tim Mulherin MP on 26/4/2007
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The undersigned citizens and residents of Queensland petition Premier Peter Beattie
Most Australian governments agree that commercial genetically manipulated (GM) food crops should not be grown until all market, health and environmental issues are resolved. Thus, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, SA and the ACT have GM crop moratoria until 2008 at least, with WA committed to remain GM-free until March 2009.

In contrast, Queensland has no moratorium on growing GM food crops. But if commercial GM canola were grown in Queensland:
• the national GM-free consensus among states and territories would end;
• canola and other crops in Queensland and NSW may be GM contaminated;
• markets for Australian grains that attract GM-free premiums may be lost.

We therefore strongly urge you and your government to:
• join the inter-governmental consensus that GE crop moratoria are needed, by legislating a Queensland GM moratorium until 2009 at least;
• reconfirm Section 21 of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (Commonwealth) when the Act is reviewed in June 2006, as it empowers governments to remain GM-free and to make other policies on gene technology;
• commission state-funded scientific research into GM organisms, health and the environment in close consultation with the Queensland public and other like-minded (WA & SA) governments; and
• consult us fully about any proposals to develop Queensland GM laws.