Preservation of Yungaba

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Delene Cuddihy
PO Box 5564
West End QLD 4101
Total Signatures - 552
Sponsoring Member: Hon A Bligh MP
Posting Date: 19/4/2007
Tabled Date: 19/4/2007
Responded By: Hon Rob Schwarten MP on 10/5/2007
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of the undersigned citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the need to preserve for the people of Queensland the full use of 'Yungaba', the Immigration Depot constructed in 1887, at Kangaroo Point.

Heritage listed 'Yungaba' is a very significant site for Queensland's and Australia's public memory as it played an outstanding role in receiving immigrants, over 110 years. Immigrants have been making a strong contribution to the peopling and the prosperity of the State. Yungaba also fulfilled many other roles of historical significance.

Over the past 2-3 years negotiations have been conducted by the Government for its sale to private interest with little respect for effective public consultations and transparent tendering. We believe Yungaba is an iconic public space, the most multicultural place in Queensland. It is a place where we propose visitors could thrill to a migrant experience, simulating their ancestors' reception when they arrived in a land of boundless opportunity.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to instruct the Minister for Public Works the Hon. Schwarten, MLA, to immediately discontinue the ongoing attempt to sell Yungaba, by declaring a moratorium on the sale until such time that the people of Queensland are given the effective opportunity to formulate and express their views and plans about a future use of Yungaba, a future that is cognizant and respectful of its public value in terms of its historical, architectural, sociological, and heritage significance.