Abandon plans for Traveston dam

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
John Horrex
105 Walker Street
Maryborough QLD 4650
Total Signatures - 25
Sponsoring Member: Chris Foley MP
Posting Date: 23/5/2007
Tabled Date: 23/5/2007
Responded By: Hon Anna Bligh MP on 3/8/2007
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition draws attention to the complete opposition of the residents of the State of Queensland to the damming of the Lower Mary River at Traveston. The significant impact of this dam would be:

1. Adverse effects on agricultural pursuits and the loss of agricultural livelihood.
2. A degradation of water quality and urban water supply.
3. An adverse effect on endangered river species and long term degenerative effects on fishing.
4. An overall impact on catchment management.

The below petitioners therefore request the House to abandon plans for this dam at Traveston and consider other options.