Consider Yarraman and Upper Yarraman be included with Nanango and Blackbutt in the proposed South Burnett Regional Council area and not in the Toowoomba Regional Council area.

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
G Duncan
1 Bunya Drive
Yarraman QLD 4614
Total Signatures - 223
Sponsoring Member: Fiona Simpson MP
Posting Date: 15/11/2007
Tabled Date: 15/11/2007
Responded By: Hon Warren Pitt MP on 12/12/2007
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland, residing in the townships of Yarraman and Upper Yarraman draws to the attention of the House that

(1) Yarraman is 16kms from Blackbutt, 10 minutes;
(2) Yarraman is 19kms from Nanango, 15 minutes;
(3) Yarraman is 46kms from Kingaroy, 30 minutes;
(4) Yarraman is 119kms from Toowoomba, 90 minutes;
(5) Yarraman lies Between Blackbutt and Nanango;
(6) Yarraman shares education, sport, health with Blackbutt, Nanango and Kingaroy but not with Toowoomba.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to consider that the area of Yarraman and Upper Yarraman are deleted from the proposed Toowoomba Regional Council area and be included with Nanango and Blackbutt in the proposed South Burnett Regional Council area.