Unacceptable Impact on the Community of EPA's proposed Moreton Bay Zoning changes

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Grant Bennett
PO Box 3305
Tingalpa QLD 4173
Total Signatures - 503
Sponsoring Member: Phil Weightman MP
Posting Date: 20/12/2007
Closing Date: 15/2/2008
Tabled Date: 26/2/2008
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Residents draws to attention of the House that the draft Moreton Bay Marine Park (MBMP) zoning plan released by the Environmental Protection Agency proposes new zones restricting fishing in over 54% of the MBMP, including total fishing bans in 15% of the Bay's most productive and popular fishing areas.

We believe that the EPA's proposals will result in many Queenslanders losing their jobs, less opportunities for families to enjoy fishing activities, and a severe reduction in the availability of fresh, healthy. local seafood.

All this can be avoided while enhancing rather than compromising conservation outcomes. We strongly support the alternative proposal developed by the Moreton Bay Access Alliance, which strikes a far better balance between protecting the environment for the future and minimising social and economic impacts.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to ensure that there is no significant reduction in the supply of fresh, healthy local seafood for Queenslanders, and no significant impact on recreational and charter fishing sectors by:

1. Adopting the Moreton Bay Access Alliance's (MBAA) proposal which recommends a set of carefully located no-fishing (green) zones;
2. Requiring the EPA to negotiate in good faith with local industry groups including the MBAA to develop areas and arrangements for “Conservation Park” (yellow) and "Habitat Protection” (dark blue) zones that are acceptable to all parties.

Unacceptable Impact on the Community of EPA's proposed Moreton Bay Zoning changes