Laws regarding dangerous dogs

Eligibility - Citizens of Queensland
Principal Petitioner:
Mr Graham J Allen
121 Cadell Street
Total Signatures - 115
Sponsoring Member: Mrs D Pratt MP
Posting Date: 12/9/2002
Tabled Date: 23/10/2002
Responded By: Responded Minister on 12/9/2003
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

To the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of

The PETITION of citizens of Queensland, draws the attention of the House
to the New Laws regarding Dangerous Dogs now in force in many Shires.

Your petitioners, therefore request the House to amend the Laws to ensure
each alleged dangerous dog is assed on its individual merits, by an
Animal Behaviour Expert e.g. Dr Cam Day and not by appearance alone. We
further Petition that animals falling into this category are housed
humanely at the nearest RSPCA in lieu of using Council Dog Pound
Facilities, where contact with humans is so poor and so limited, during
any litigation.