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Parliament House
George Street
Email: committeeoffice@parliament.qld.gov.au
Committee Membership
Mr Jeff Seeney MP, Deputy Chair, Member for Callide
Ms Grace Grace MP, Member for Brisbane Central
Mr John-Paul Langbroek MP, Member for Surfers Paradise
Ms Carolyn Male MP, Member for Glass House
Mr Jason O’Brien MP, Member for Cook
Mr Peter Wellington MP, Member for Nicklin
Functions of the Committee
The information on this page relates to the committee of the 52nd Parliament, which was discharged after the tabling of its report.
On 29 April 2008 the Legislative Assembly resolved to appoint the Review of Organ and Tissue Donation Procedures Select Committee from 12 May 2008, to investigate the following matters in relation to organ and tissue donation from deceased persons in Queensland.
1 (a) Given the relatively low organ and tissue donation rates in Queensland, should a system of presumed consent or 'opt-out' for organ and tissue donation be introduced in Queensland?
1 (b) If so,
- should presumed consent for removal of organs and tissue:
- be absolute, or should further recourse be required to the wishes of relatives and/or legal guardians in this decision.
- apply to all persons, specifically considering the age, decision making capacity, cultural and religious beliefs of the person? If not, what exemptions and safeguards should apply?
- allow these organs and tissue to be used for other purposes such as research?
- What mechanisms should be put in place to enable persons to explicitly register their objection to their organs and tissue being removed?
- What would be the implications, including financial implications, of introducing a system of presumed consent for organ and tissue donation on the operation of all existing legislative, administrative and governance frameworks, including in other jurisdictions?
- What, if any, other matters should be considered in the regulation of this issue?
2 In addition to the issue of presumed consent for removal of organs and tissue, are there any additional options that should also be considered to increase public awareness of and improve the organ and tissue donation rate in Queensland?
The Review of Organ and Tissue Donation Procedures Select Committee reported to the Legislative Assembly on 28 October 2008 and was subsequently disbanded.