Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (CWP) (initial terms of reference)


On 29 May 2017, the Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis Select Committee tabled Report No. 2, 55th Parliament - Black lung, white lies: Inquiry into the re-identification of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis in Queensland (Black lung, white lies report). This followed on from the committee’s tabling of an interim report on these matters on 22 March 2017.

On 24 August 2017, the committee tabled a report presenting the committee's exposure draft bill for the establishment of a Mine Safety and Health Authority, to give effect to recommendations contained in the committee's Black lung, white lies inquiry report. In accordance with a recommendation of the committee, the Parliament referred the exposure draft Bill to the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee (IPNRC) for consideration and report. The IPNRC’s report on the draft bill, tabled on 5 October 2017, can be accessed here.

On 8 September 2017, the Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP, tabled the final government response to the committee's Black lung, white lies report. The government response can be accessed here. A previous, interim response, tabled on 29 August 2017, is available here.

On 26 October 2017, the committee tabled a report outlining the committee's response to both the IPNRC report and the final government response to the Black lung, white lies report. This report (No. 5) also identified promising areas of research to improve understanding and treatment of mine dust lung diseases, building on previous report recommendations in this regard.

The committee’s reports can be accessed below.

View:  Report No. 5, 55th Parliament, A Mine Safety and Health Authority for Queensland: A further response
View:  Report No. 4, 55th Parliament, Inquiry into occupational respirable dust issues
View:  Report No. 3, 55th Parliament, A Mine Safety and Health Authority for Queensland, including the committee's exposure draft Mine Safety and Health Authority Bill 2017

The committee tabled its report on Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (CWP), with an accompanying executive summary document, on 29 May 2017.

View:  Report No. 2, 55th Parliament, Black lung white lies: Inquiry into the re-identification of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis in Queensland
View:  Executive Summary, Report No. 2, 55th Parliament, Black lung white lies: Inquiry into the re-identification of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis in Queensland

The committee tabled an interim report on 22 March 2017.

View:  Report No. 1, 55th Parliament, Inquiry into the re-identification of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis in Queensland - Interim Report


The committee was asked to consider the following:

(a)   the legislative and other regulatory arrangements of government and industry which have existed in Queensland to eliminate and prevent CWP
(b)   whether these arrangements were adequate, and have been adequately and effectively maintained over time
(c)   the roles of government departments and agencies, mine operators, nominated medical advisers, radiologists, industry safety and health representatives and unions representing coal mine workers in these arrangements
(d)   the study into CWP undertaken by Monash University and the findings of the Senate Select Committee on Health (Fifth Interim Report) and other relevant reports and studies
(e)   the efficacy and efficiency of adopting methodologies and processes for coal mine dust measurement and mitigation, including monitoring regimes, engineering measures, personal protective equipment, statutory requirements, and mine policies and practices, including practices in jurisdictions with similar coal mining industries
(f)   other matters the committee determines are relevant, including other respiratory diseases associated with underground mining.

The initial terms of reference required the committee to consider the study into CWP undertaken by Monash University and the findings of the Senate Select Committee on Health (Fifth Interim Report). These reports can be accessed via the links below:

View:  Monash University report
View:  Senate Select Committee on Health report

On 23 March 2017 the committee's terms of reference were extended to include monitoring and reviewing the implementation of recommendations made by the committee in its reports on:

(a) the terms of reference approved by the House on 15 September 2016 (Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (CWP))
(b) the first extended terms of reference (Other occupational respirable dust issues)

including the development of a draft bill for the consideration of the Assembly.

The committee was initially required to report to the Parliament on these matters by 12 April 2017.  The reporting deadline was subsequently extended to 29 May 2017.

The committee was to continue in existence on these 'monitor and review' terms of reference until the Legislative Assembly was dissolved or the Legislative Assembly otherwise ordered, despite any reports by the committee.


Submissions closed on 16 November 2016


Referral by Legislative Assembly15 September 2016
Submissions closed16 November 2016
Interim report tabled22 March 2017
Extension to Terms of Reference23 March 2017
Report tabled29 May 2017

Briefings and hearings

The committee held a number of briefings and hearings throughout Queensland.  Available transcripts of public proceedings can be accessed here or via the 'Related Publications' tab.

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