Biosecurity Bill 2011


The committee cancelled the public briefing on the Bill, which was scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 15 February 2012.

The public submissions to the inquiry, a summary prepared by the committee's secretariat and advice on the submissions provided by the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation are available from the Parliament's Tabled Papers Database:

Summary of submissions prepared by the secretariat

Advice provided by the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation on submissions

About the Bill

On 25 October 2011, Hon Tim Mulherin MP, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies, introduced the Biosecurity Bill 2011. The Bill was referred to the Environment, Agriculture, Resources and Energy Committee in accordance with Standing Order 131. The committee will now examine the policies to be enacted by the Bill and the application of fundamental legislative principles, as set out in s 4 of the Legislative Standards Act 1992. The committee will report to the Parliament by 19 March 2012.

The Bill repeals the Agricultural Standards Act 1994; the Apiaries Act 1982; the Diseases in Timber Act 1975; the Exotic Diseases in Animals Act 1981; the Land Protection (Pest Management) Act 2002; the Plant Protection Act 1989; and the Stock Act 1915. The Bill also amends the Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988 and the Fisheries Act 1994, and makes minor and consequential amendments to other Acts.

The purpose of the Bill is to provide for a flexible and responsive biosecurity framework in order to prevent or minimise the adverse effects of exotic or endemic pests and diseases and contaminants on human health, social amenity, the economy and the environment.

Download the Bill and the Explanatory Notes

Download the research brief on the Biosecurity Bill prepared by the Parliamentary Library


Submissions closed on 16 December 2011.


Bill referred to committee25 Oct 2011
Closing date for submissionsClosed 16 Dec 2011
Public briefing of the committee on the Bill by the Department of Employment, Economic Development and InnovationCancelled
Public hearingCancelled
Reporting deadline for the committee’s report as set by the HouseLapsed


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