Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011


The committee tabled the public submissions to its inquiry into the Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 with the Clerk of the Parliament.

The committee also authorised the release of the submissions summary prepared by the secretariat, as well as the advice from the Department of Environment and Resource Management on the submissions, which are available on the Parliament's Tabled Papers database:

Public submissions
Summary of submissions prepared by the secretariat
Advice from the Department of Environment and Resource Management

About the Bill

On 26 October 2011, Hon Rachel Nolan MP, Minister for Finance, Natural Resources and The Arts, introduced the Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011. The Bill was referred to the Environment, Agriculture, Resources and Energy Committee in accordance with Standing Order 131. The committee will now examine the policies to be enacted by the Bill and the application of fundamental legislative principles, as set out in s 4 of the Legislative Standards Act 1992. The committee will report to the Parliament by 26 April 2012.

The Bill amends the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003, the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995, the Environmental Protection Act 1994, the Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011, the Geothermal Energy Act 2010, the Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009, the Mineral Resources Act 1989, the North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Act 2011, the Petroleum Act 1923, the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) act 2004, the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971, the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003, the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011, the Water Act 2000 and the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008.

The primary policy objectives of the Bill are to amend the Environmental Protection Act 1994 so as to:

  • introduce a licensing model proportionate to environmental risk;
  • introduce flexible operational approvals;
  • streamline the approvals process for mining and petroleum;
  • streamline and clarify information requirements; and
  • achieve the above whilst maintaining environmental outcomes. 

 Download the Bill and the Explanatory Notes


The Environment, Agriculture, Resources and Energy Committee invited written submissions on the Bill.  Submissions closed on 16 December 2011.

Guidelines on how and why to make a submission are available here.


Public briefing of the committee by the Department of Environment and Resource ManagementCancelled
Public hearingCancelled
Reporting deadline for the committee’s report as set by the HouseLapsed

*On 16 November 2011, the reporting deadline for the report was brought forward from the 26 April 2012 by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly.


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