Report No. 9, 56th Parliament - Inquiry into wage theft in Queensland

Committee Report

The committee tabled its Report No. 9, 56th Parliament - A fair day's pay for a fair day's work? Exposing the true cost of wage theft in Queensland on 16 November 2018. The government's response to this report was tabled on 15 February 2019.  

The committee tabled an Erratum to Report No 9, 56th Parliament – A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work? Exposing the true cost of wage theft in Queensland on 1 March 2019.

Inquiry referral

On Thursday 17 May 2018, the Legislative Assembly referred to the committee an inquiry into the problem of wage theft in Queensland.

Terms of reference

The inquiry’s terms of reference call for the committee to conduct an inquiry into and report to the Legislative Assembly, by 16 November 2018, on:

a) the incidence of wage theft in Queensland, with reference also to evidence of wage theft from other parts of Australia;
b)the impact of wage theft on workers, families, law-abiding businesses, the economy and community;
c)the various forms that wage theft can take, including through unpaid super, the misuse of ABNs and sham contracting arrangements;
d)the reasons why wage theft is occurring, including whether it has become part of the business model for some organisations;
e)whether wage theft is more likely to occur in particular industries, occupations or parts of the state or among particular cohorts of workers;
f)the effectiveness of the current regulatory framework at state and federal level in dealing with wage theft and supporting affected workers; and
g)options for ensuring wage theft is eradicated, including consideration of regulatory and other measures either implemented or proposed in other jurisdictions interstate, nationally or internationally and the role of industrial organisations, including unions and employer registered bodies in addressing and preventing wage theft.

Confidentiality and parliamentary privilege

The committee has prepared a fact sheet to assist members of the public and stakeholders who may be concerned about the confidentiality of their information. The fact sheet outlines how parliamentary privilege applies to the inquiry, and how a person’s ability to give information to the committee may be affected by non-disclosure agreements or other confidentiality clauses.

Confidentiality of information - FAQs


17 May 2018Terms of reference referred to the committee for inquiry and report
11 June 2018Call for submissions and opening of online survey
 Public briefing - Office of Industrial Relations-view broadcast-transcript
30 July 2018, 4:00pmSubmissions closed - refer to 'View Submissions' tab above
16 August 2018Public hearing - Brisbane-view broadcast-transcript
20 August 2018Public hearing - Brisbane-view broadcast-transcript
27 August 2018Regional hearing - Cairns-transcript
28 August 2018Regional hearing - Townsville-transcript
29 August 2018Regional hearing - Mackay-transcript
30 August 2018Regional hearing - Rockhampton-transcript
3 September 2018Public hearing - Brisbane-view broadcast-transcript
10 September 2018Regional hearing - Gold Coast-transcript
10 September 2018Regional hearing - Toowoomba-transcript
11 September 2018Regional hearing - Ipswich-transcript
11 September 2018Regional hearing - Sunshine Coast-transcript
12 September 2018Regional hearing - Maryborough-transcript
12 September 2018Regional hearing - Bundaberg-transcript
17 September 2018Public hearing–Brisbane,10:00am–1:30pm-view broadcast-transcript
 Public hearing- Brisbane,5:00pm-7:00pm-view broadcast-transcript
30 September 2018, 4:00pmSurvey closed
16 November 2018Report tabled


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