Report No. 31, 56th Parliament - Inquiry into the Wynnum and Mermaid Waters Ambulance Station projects


The committee tabled its report on 27 November 2019.

View:    Report No. 31, 56th Parliament - Inquiry into the Wynnum and Mermaid Waters Ambulance Station projects

About the Inquiry

On 29 October 2018 the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee resolved to conduct a public works inquiry into the Wynnum and Mermaid Waters Ambulance Station projects.  The committee tabled its report on 27 November 2019.  It can be found here.

The terms of reference for the inquiry, as set out in section 94 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001, are to inquire into the Wynnum and Mermaid Waters Ambulance Station projects and report on:

a)         the stated purpose of the works, and the suitability of the works for the purpose
b)         the need for, and advisability of, the works
c)         the initial and recurrent costs of the works
d)         value for money achieved, or likely to be achieved, by the works
e)         the impact of the works on the community, economy and environment
f)          procurement methods for the works
g)         the balance of public and private sector involvement in the works, and
h)         the performance of—

(i)         the Department of Health as the constructing authority for the works, and
(ii)        the consultants and contractors for the works, with particular regard to the time taken to finish the works, and the cost and quality of the works.

Written brief

The committee has published a written brief prepared by the Department of Health about the Wynnum and Mermaid Waters Ambulance Station projects. The brief is available under ‘related publications’.


Submissions closed:17 December 2018 - see "view submissions" tab above
Public hearing:19 August 2019 - Broadcast - Transcript
Report date:27 November 2019


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