Oversight of the Health Ombudsman and the health service complaints management system during the 56th Parliament

Framework for the oversight of the Health Ombudsman

This paper explains the committee's oversight responsibilities for the Health Ombudsman, and how the committee proposes to undertake this work on behalf of the Legislative Assembly. Paper No.1 has been published here.

Further Information

Information about the Health Ombudsman, AHPRA and the national boards can be found on these websites:

Health Ombudsman 

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia

Chinese Medicine Board of Australia

Chiropractic Board of Australia

Dental Board of Australia

Medical Board of Australia

Medical Radiation Practice Board of  Australia

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

Occupational Therapy Board of Australia

Optometry Board of Australia

Osteopathy Board of Australia

Pharmacy Board of Australia

Physiotherapy Board of Australia

Podiatry Board of Australia

Psychology Board of Australia

Paramedicine Board of Australia

Public hearing - Oversight of the Health Service Complaints Management System

The committee holds public hearings with the Health Ombudsman, Mr Andrew Brown to assist with its oversight of the health service complaints management system. Links to the programs, broadcasts and transcripts of these hearings are listed below.

27 April 2020 - Program - Broadcast - Transcript 
25 November 2019 - Program - Broadcast - Transcript
19 August 2019 - Broadcast - Transcript
10 June 2019 - Broadcast - Transcript
25 February 2019 - Broadcast Transcript
12 November 2018 - Broadcast - Transcript
24 August 2018 - Broadcast - Transcript


The committee is responsible for monitoring and review of the operation of the health service complaints management system, which includes:

  • the Health Ombudsman
  • the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA, the National Agency) and 15 health practitioner registration boards (National Boards) – regarding the conduct, performance and health of registered health practitioners who provide health services in Queensland.

The Health Ombudsman commenced operations on 1 July 2014, and replaced the former Health Quality and Complaints Commission.

In accordance with section 179 of the Health Ombudsman Act 2013, the committee’s function are:

  • monitor and review the operation of the health service complaints management system;
  • identify and report on particular ways in which the health service complaints management system might be improved;
  • monitor and review the performance by the Health Ombudsman of the health ombudsman’s functions
  • monitor and review the National Boards’ and National Agency’s performance of their functions relating to the health, conduct and performance of registered health practitioners who provide health services in Queensland
  • examine reports of the Health Ombudsman, the National Agency and National Boards
  • advise the Minister in relation to the appointment of the health ombudsman
  • report to the Legislative Assembly on matters referred by the Legislative Assembly, and any matter the committee considers should be brought to the Assembly’s attention.

The committee’s functions do not include re-investigating complaints or reconsidering a decision or finding of the Health Ombudsman, AHPRA or the national boards.

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