Auditor-General reports referred to the committee - 2016-2017

Report to Parliament No. 14: 2016-17 - Criminal justice system - reliability and integration of data

The Committee of the Legislative Assembly referred the Auditor-General's Report to Parliament No. 14: 2016-17 Criminal justice system - reliability and integration of data to the committee for review on 9 May 2017.

A public briefing was held on Wednesday, 24 May 2017.  The broadcast of the public briefing is available here and runs from 2:07:30 to 2:54:20 (end) the broadcast.

Report to Parliament No. 4: 2016-17 - Criminal justice system - prison sentences

The Committee of the Legislative Assembly referred the Auditor-General's Report to Parliament No. 4: 2016-17 Criminal justice system—prison sentences to the committee for review on 29 November 2016. 

A public briefing was held on Wednesday, 24 May 2017.  The broadcast of the public briefing is available here and runs from 1:31:30 to 2:07:25 of the broadcast.

Public Briefings

The Queensland Audit Office briefed the committee on the two reports on Wednesday, 24 May 2017.  The program is available to view under the "Related Publications" tab.

The link to the archived broadcast is available here.

The transcripts of the two public briefings are available under the "Related Publications" tab.

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