Report No. 31, 56th Parliament - Anti-Discrimination (Right to Use Gender-Specific Language) Amendment Bill 2018

About the Bill

On 19 September 2018, Mr Robert (Robbie) Katter MP, Member for Traeger, introduced the Anti-Discrimination (Right to Use Gender-Specific Language) Amendment Bill 2018.  The Bill was referred to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee for detailed consideration.  The committee tabled its report on 19 March 2019. 

The objectives of the Anti-Discrimination (Right to Use Gender-Specific Language) Amendment Bill 2018 are

  1. To protect an individual’s right to use traditional gender based language; and
  2. To protect businesses and other organisations from disadvantage in the provision of facilities and services that exclusively recognise gender as either male or female.

Additionally, the Bill will ensure that gender classifications under Queensland’s Anti-discrimination law reflect accepted shared values without undermining the rights of individuals to use a diverse range of gender classifications in day-to-day environments.

Committee's Report

The committee tabled its Report No. 31, 56th Parliament - Anti-Discrimination (Right to Use Gender-Specific Language) Amendment Bill 2018  on 19 March 2019.




Anti-Discrimination (Right to Use Gender-Specific Language) Amendment Bill 2018


Explanatory notes


Introductory speech


Debate of the Bill in Parliament 14 July 2020 - transcript (pages 1581 to 1596)

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19 November 2018 refer to "View Submissions" tab above.

Public briefing:

Monday, 29 October 2018 - transcript

Public hearing:

Monday, 3 December 2018 - transcript

Report due date:

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 - report 

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