Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2017

Public Briefing

The committee held a public briefing on the Bill on Wednesday, 1 March 2017.

Committee Report

The Committee's report on the Bill was tabled on 17 March 2017.  A copy of the Report can be viewed here - Report No 50, 55th Parliament – Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2017.

The second reading debate on the Bill is available here (from page 759). 

Public Hearing

The committee held a public hearing on the Bill on Wednesday, 1 March 2017.


On 14 February 2017, Mr Tim Nicholls MP, Member for Clayfield, introduced the Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2017.


Mr Nicholls’ speech introducing the Bill into the Queensland Parliament


Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2017


Explanatory Notes to the Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2016

In accordance with Standing Order 131 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly, the Bill was referred to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee (the committee) for detailed consideration. The committee is required to report by Friday, 17 March 2017.

Call for Submissions

Submissions to the Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2017 are now closed.


The Bill

The objectives of the Bill are to:

  • Reverse the presumption of bail for an alleged offender charged with a relevant domestic violence offence;

  • Establish a special bail condition for a tracking device (or GPS tracker) to be imposed by a court or a police officer authorised to grant bail, against a person charged with a relevant domestic violence offence;

  • Introduce a new system to alert the victim of a relevant domestic violence offence when the defendant applies for bail, is released on bail or receives a variation to a bail condition;

  • Introduce a mandatory reporting provision to the parole system for when a prisoner applies for and receives parole so that a victim of domestic violence can receive information about a prisoner, even if the offence that the prisoner was convicted for is not a domestic violence offence; and

  • Introduce a provision to allow for an urgent review of a bail decision in a higher court.  The original bail decision would be stayed for up to three business days ensuring that the alleged offender would not be released during that period.

Inquiry Timeline

Submissions closed:      Monday, 27 February 2017

Public briefing:              Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Public hearing:              Wednesday, 1 March 2107

Report tabled:               Friday, 17 March 2017

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