Child Protection (Offender Reporting - Publication of Information) Amendment Bill 2013

Call for Submissions

Submissions closed on Friday, 6 December 2013.

Objective of the Bill

The objective of the Bill is to create a means by which information may be disclosed to the community concerning certain categories of reportable offenders, dangerous sexual offenders and other persons considered to be a risk to the lives or sexual safety of other persons. The Bill amends the Child Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 and the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003.

The amendments will give the Queensland Police Commissioner the power to publish information on Queensland’s most dangerous and high risk of sex offenders. Concerned members of the public would have access to critical information enabling them to identify reportable offenders in their neighbourhood or who otherwise have access to children in their care.

The Bill also contains offence provisions which would regulate the use of any information which is disclosed to the public and allows protections for offenders whose details are published from animosity and harassment.

Other Information

The Child Protection (Offender Reporting – Publication of Information) Amendment Bill 2013 and Explanatory Notes are available from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel at

The Hansard transcript of the introductory speech for the Bill can be accessed here.

Reasons for the Bill

Growing community outrage at the number of sexual assaults on children committed by known offenders has resulted in increased sentencing. However it has been widely acknowledged that monitoring and supervision of offenders post-release is inadequate and addressing monitoring deficiencies is costly. This has led to the introduction of registration schemes in many jurisdictions including Queensland.

The effectiveness of offender registration schemes will be strengthened by making information on certain offenders available to the community and empowering community members to assist parole services and Queensland Police monitor serious sex offenders post release.

A copy of the report is available here or can be accessed at Related Publications


On 12 September 2013 the Member for Dalrymple, Mr Shane Knuth MP, introduced the Child Protection (Offender Reporting – Publication of Information) Amendment Bill 2013 into the Queensland Parliament.

In accordance with Standing Order 131 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly, the Bill was referred to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee (the Committee) for detailed consideration. Under Standing Order 136(1), the Committee must report to the Parliament on or before 12 March 2014.


On 12 March 2014, the Committee tabled its Report No. 57, Child Protection (Offender Reporting - Publication of Information) Amendment Bill 2013. A copy of the report is available here or can be accessed at Related Publications.

As the Committee made a single recommendation for the Legislative Assembly to not pass the Bill, there is no requirement for the Government to table a response.

The Child Protection (Offender Reporting - Publication of Information) Amendment Bill 2013 failed the second reading on 6 August 2014.

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