Classification of Computer Games and Images and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Call for Submissions

Submissions closed on Friday, 30 November 2012.


The Government has undertaken some consultation on certain aspects of the Bill. For further information please refer to the Explanatory Notes.


The main objective of the Bill is to amend the Classification of Computer Games and Images Act 1995 (the Act) to provide for the demonstration, sale, supply and advertisement of computer games classified as R18+ in Queensland. These amendments will complement national and other state and territory laws.

Other objectives of the Bill are to amend: 

  • the Classification of Films Act 1991 to transfer to the Director of the Commonwealth Classification Board the function of granting exemptions to enable the exhibition of unclassified films at specified events, such as film festivals;
  • the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011 to amend the short title of the Act;
  • the Recording of Evidence Act 1962 to enable the outsourcing of the recording and transcribing of legal proceedings in Queensland; and
  • miscellaneous amendments to the Classification of Publications Act 1991, amendments to the Criminal Code consequential to the amendments to the Act, and consequential or minor amendments to a range of other Acts listed in the Schedules to the Bill.

Other Information

The Classification of Computer Games and Images and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 and the Explanatory Notes are available from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel at

The Hansard transcript of the explanatory speech for the Bill can be found here.

Reasons for the Bill

Reasons for the Bill appear on pages 2-3 of the Explanatory Notes which can be viewed here.


On 4 February 2013, the Committee tabled its Report No. 20, Classification of Computer Games and Images and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012. A copy of the report is available here or can be accessed at Related Publications.

The Government tabled its response to the Committee's report on 14 February 2013. A copy of the Government Response is available here or can be accessed at Related Publications.

The Classification of Computer Games and Images and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 was passed, with amendment, by the Legislative Assembly on 14 February 2013.


On 31 October 2012, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, the Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP, introduced the Classification of Computer Games and Images and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 into the Queensland Parliament.  In accordance with Standing Order 131 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly, the Bill was referred to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee (the Committee) for detailed consideration.

By resolution of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly, the Committee was required to report to the Parliament by Thursday, 7 February 2013.

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