Criminal Code (Choking in Domestic Settings) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2020 (LAPSED)

About the Bill

On 20 May 2020, Mrs Deb Frecklington MP, Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Trade, introduced the Criminal Code (Choking in Domestic Settings) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2020. The House referred the Bill to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee for detailed consideration. 


Criminal Code (Choking in Domestic Settings) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2020


Explanatory notes

  Erratum to Explanatory notes


Explanatory speech


Statement of compatibility

  Erratum to Statement of Compatibility

The explanatory notes provide that the Bill proposes to amend the Criminal Code and the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 to:

  • strengthen the offence of choking, suffocation or strangulation in a domestic setting (non-lethal strangulation offence) by providing definitions of the words ‘choke’, ‘suffocate’ and ‘strangle’
  • increase the maximum penalty for the non-lethal strangulation offence from 7 to 14 years imprisonment
  • classify the offence as a serious violent offence which will require the prisoner to serve 80% of their sentence of imprisonment (mandatory for offenders sentenced to 10 years imprisonment or more and discretionary for sentences of 5 years or more but less than 10 years imprisonment).

Bill lapsed

The 56th Queensland Parliament has been dissolved by proclamation dated 6 October 2020. Therefore the Criminal Code (Choking in Domestic Settings) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2020 has lapsed.


At some time after the State election, a new parliament will commence and new committees will be appointed. The date of commencement is not yet known.


For bill inquiries, it will be a matter for the new parliament whether to make a fresh referral to a committee of any re-introduced bill. If a new committee continues an inquiry commenced before the dissolution, it can have regard to evidence and submissions received by its predecessor committee.


Updated advice will be provided when more information is available.

Public briefing and hearing

Committee hearings and briefings are generally open to the public and are broadcast live on Parliament TV.  Footage is available to view for 12 months.


Submissions are now closed. Pulblished submissions can be accessed via the 'View Submissions' tab.

Related information

To subscribe to the committee mailing list, please click here.


Public briefing:

Monday 13 July 2020 -8.15am to 9.00am -broadcast-transcript

Submissions closed:

Friday 17 July 2020

Public hearing:

Monday 7 September 2020, 9:30am - 12:00pmView Program-View Broadcast-View Transcript

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