Report No. 66, 56th Parliament - Inquiry into the Electoral Commission of Queensland’s online publication of preliminary and formal counts of the votes cast in the local government elections and state by-elections held on 28 March 2020

About the Inquiry

On 22 April 2020, the Legislative Assembly referred to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee an - Inquiry into the Electoral Commission of Queensland’s online publication of the preliminary and formal counts of the votes cast in the 2020 quadrennial local government election and the Bundamba and Currumbin state by-elections held on 28 March 2020.

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Committee's Report

The committee tabled its Report No. 66, 56th Parliament - Inquiry into the Electoral Commission of Queensland’s online publication of preliminary and formal counts of the votes cast in the local government elections and state by-elections held on 28 March 2020 on 2 June 2020.




Submissions closed:

11 May 2020 –refer to ‘View submissions’ tab above

Public briefing:

11 May 2020 - broadcast (part 1 of 2-part 2 of 2) - transcript

Public hearing(s):

15 May 2020 - 10am to 2pm - broadcast (part 1 of 3-part 2 of 3-part 3 of 3) - transcript

Report tabled on:

Tuesday 2 June 2020 - View Report

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