Report No. 62, 56th Parliament - Electoral (Voter’s Choice) Amendment Bill 2019

About the Bill

On 18 September 2019, Mr David Janetzki MP, Shadow Attorney-General and Shadow Minister for Justice, introduced the Electoral (Voter’s Choice) Amendment Bill 2019. The House referred the Bill to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee for detailed consideration. The committee tabled its report on Monday 16 March 2020.

The Bill proposes to amend the Electoral Act 1992 to:

  • require an elector to vote by indicating the elector’s preference for only 1 candidate by placing the number 1, or a tick or a cross in the square opposite the name of the candidate

  • alternatively, the elector may indicate their preferences for more than 1, but not necessarily all, of the candidates by placing the number 1, or a tick or a cross, in the square opposite the name of the candidate who is the elector’s first preference, and the numbers 2, 3 and so on in the squares opposite the names of any of the other candidates to indicate the order of the elector’s preferences for them

  • provide that the ballot papers must contain sentences instructing the elector on how to vote.

Committee's Report

The committee tabled Report No. 62, 56th Parliament - Electoral (Voter’s Choice) Amendment Bill 2019 on 16 March 2020.




Electoral (Voter’s Choice) Amendment Bill 2019


Explanatory notes


Explanatory speech

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Submissions closed:

25 October 2019 refer to ‘View submissions’ tab above

Public briefing:

14 October 2019 - broadcast - transcript

Public hearing(s):

25 November 2019 -broadcast- transcript

Report tabled on:

16 March 2020 - Report

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