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Industrial Relations (Fair Work Act Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Call for Submissions
Submissions closed on Monday, 28 October 2013.
Objectives of the Bill
The Bill makes amendments to four pieces of primary legislation: the Industrial Relations Act 1999; Health and Hospital Boards Act 2011; Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990; and Superannuation (State Public Sector) Act 1990.
The objectives of the Bill include:
- reform of the Queensland’s industrial relations framework to ensure it continues to meet the needs of employers and employees operating within the State’s industrial relations jurisdiction;
- changes to the Industrial Court of Queensland;
- fixed term appointments in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission;
- applications for trading hours’ orders to be heard by a single commissioner;
- deduction of industrial organisation subscription fees from wages;
- clarifying the powers of an inspector under the Industrial Relations Act 1999;
- extinguishing obsolete certified agreements; and
- provisions governing the operation, composition, size and tenure of the Board of Trustees of the State Public Sector Superannuation Scheme.
Other Information
The Industrial Relations (Fair Work Act Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 and Explanatory Notes are available from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel at www.legislation.qld.gov.au.
The Hansard transcript of the introductory speech for the Bill can be accessed here.
Public Briefing
The Committee held a public briefing on the Bill with the Department of Justice and Attorney-General at on Wednesday 30 October 2013.
The briefing was broadcast live on the Queensland Parliament website.
Copies of the transcript can be accessed here or at Related Publications.
Public Hearing
The Committee called for expressions of interest to appear at the public hearing by Friday 25 October 2013.
The Committee held a public hearing on the Bill on Friday 1 November 2013 hearing from invited witnesses on the proposals being advanced under the Bill.
The hearing was broadcast live on the Queensland Parliament website. A copy of the schedule can be accessed here.
Copies of the transcript can be accessed here or at Related Publications.
Reasons for the Bill
Further information, including the reasons for the Bill, appear in the Explanatory Notes which can be viewed here.
On Thursday, 17 October 2013 the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, the Hon. Jarrod Bleijie MP, introduced the Industrial Relations (Fair Work Act Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 into the Queensland Parliament. In accordance with Standing Order 131 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly, the Bill was referred to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee (the Committee) for detailed consideration.
By motion of the House, the Committee is required to report to the Parliament by Thursday, 14 November 2013.
On 14 November 2013, the Committee tabled its Report No. 45, Industrial Relations (Fair Work Act Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013. A copy of the report is available here or can be accessed at Related Publications.
The Government tabled its response to the Committee's report on 19 November 2013. A copy of the Government Response is available here or can be accessed at Related Publications.
The Industrial Relations (Fair Work Act Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 was passed, with amendment, by the Legislative Assembly on 19 November 2013.
Related Publications
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- 1 - Name Suppressed
- 1 - Name Suppressed (Supplementary 1)
- 1 - Name Suppressed (Supplementary 2)
- 2 - Lynette Uytenbogaardt
- 3 - Helen Gunter
- 4 - Name Suppressed
- 5 - Stephen Roff
- 6 - Judith Holt (Supplementary 1)
- 6 - Judith Holt (Supplementary 2)
- 6 - Judith Holt
- 7 - Keith Newton
- 7 - Keith Newton (Supplementary 1)
- 7 - Keith Newton (Supplementary 2)
- 8 - Izan Gill (Supplementary 1)
- 8 - Izan Gill (Supplementary 2)
- 8 - Izan Gill
- 9 - Anthony Barnes
- 10 - Barbara Coleman
- 11 - Julia Watson
- 12 - Rebecca Griffin
- 13 - Stephen Nicholson
- 14 - Tanja Vanderwalt
- 15 - Estelle Butcher
- 16 - Des Hardman
- 17 - Joanna Chiang
- 18 - Together Queensland
- 19 - Queensland Teachers' Union
- 20 - Queensland Nurses' Union
- 21 - Maja Peric
- 22 - Penelope Bailey
- 23 - Queensland Council of Unions
- 24 - Queensland Police Union of Employees
- 25 - Joint submission by ASMOFQ and AMA Queensland
- 26 - Queensland Law Society
- 27 - Anne Dinh
- 28 - The Australian Workers' Union
- 29 - Heather Green
- 30 - United Firefighers' Union of Australia, Union of Employees Queensland
- 31 - Rail Tram and Bus Union
- 32 - Local Government Association of Queensland
- 33 - National Retail Association
- 34 - United Voice Queensland
- 35 - Queensland Council for Civil Liberties