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Report No. 8, 53rd Parliament - Civil Proceedings Bill 2011
Committee Details
Other Information
The Civil Proceedings Bill 2011 and Explanatory Notes are available from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel.
The Hansard transcript of the explanatory speech for the Bill can be found online.
On 24 August 2011 the Attorney-General, Hon Paul Lucas, introduced the Civil Proceedings Bill 2011 into the Queensland Parliament. Subsequently, Parliament referred the Bill to the Legal Affairs, Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Committee for detailed consideration.
The committee reported back to the Parliament on 22 November 2011.
The Bill
The Bill proposes a new Act to modernise and simplify the rules governing civil proceedings. The Bill also makes unrelated law changes to:
- allow incorporated associations to transition to the Commonwealth legal regimes for corporations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations;
- require the person in charge of the disposal of a body to electronically lodge a cremation or burial notice; and to prescribe requirements for crematoriums when labelling ashes;
- clarify a provision that allows electoral enrolment on the day before polling and to change the notice deadline to 6pm;
- allow electoral roll information to be provided to State departments and authorities on a discretionary basis;
- allow Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations to record details of proof of identity documents;
- allow a member of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal to continue to sit after their term has expired in order to finalise a proceeding;
- require particular exit fees when a resident leaves a retirement village to be calculated on a daily basis;
- allow Queensland Government agencies to provide personal information to agencies of the Commonwealth and other States and Territories for law enforcement purposes.
Related Publications
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- 3 - Office of the Information Commissioner (supplementary)
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- 4 - Australian Federal Police
- 5 - Queensland Law Society
- 6 - The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies
- 7 - Aged Care Queensland and the Retirement Village Association Qld (supplementary)
- 7 - Aged Care Queensland and the Retirement Village Association Qld
- 8 - Association of Residents of Queensland Retirement Villages
- 8 - Association of Residents of Queensland Retirement Villages (supplementary)