Report No. 39 , 56th Parliament - Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020

Committee's report

The committee tabled its Report No. 39, Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020 on 29 May 2020. The Bill was passed, with amendment, on 14 July 2020.

View:Government Response tabled on 14 July 2020
View:Introductory Speech
View:Explanatory Notes
View:Statement of Compatibility
View:Debate of the Bill in Parliament - 
Transcript 14 July 2020 page 1508, pages 1531-1541, pages 1556-1573
View:The debate can be viewed by clicking on the movie icon  within the transcript.

About the Bill

On 17 March 2020, the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, the Hon Mark Bailey MP, introduced the Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020 into the Queensland Parliament.  The Bill was referred to the Transport and Public Works Committee for detailed consideration. 

The objectives of the Bill are to:

  • support the introduction and ongoing operation of a Digital Licence App
  • facilitate camera enforcement of seatbelt and mobile phone offences
  • make minor and technical improvements to:

− clarify the operation of some drug and drink driving provisions
− preserve certain existing secondary legal interests in the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ land
− allow access to land for environmental activities
− clarify evidentiary provisions for Smart Ticketing
− update evidentiary provisions because of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (Cwth)
− update legislative referencing and definitions.


Submissions closed:20 April 2020
Public briefing:30 March 2020 - Broadcast - Transcript
Public hearing(s):27 April 2020 Broadcast Part 1 - Part 2 - Transcript
Report tabled:29 May 2020

Public hearings and briefings

In accordance with the Parliamentary Service’s COVID-19 Response Plan, Mr Speaker has approved, as a purely precautionary measure, public attendance at Parliamentary Committee proceedings be suspended from 16 March 2020 until further notice. Visitors attending as witnesses invited by a Committee will still be permitted.

Hearings and briefings will be broadcast live on Parliament TV. Footage is available to view for 12 months after its live broadcast. Transcripts of the proceedings are published in due course.

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