Report No. 31, 56th Parliament - Queensland Tennis Centre

Committee's Report

The committee tabled its Report No. 31, Inquiry into the Queensland Tennis Centre on 28 November 2019. This Report was debated on 18 June 2020.

View:Transcript of the Parliamentary debate on the Report commencing 18 June 2020 (page 1424).
 The debate can be viewed by clicking on the movie icon  within the transcript

About the Inquiry

On 4 May 2018 the Transport and Public Works Committee resolved to conduct a public works inquiry into the Queensland Tennis Centre.

The terms of reference for the inquiry, as set out in section 94 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001, are to examine the Queensland Tennis Centre project and report to Parliament on:

(a)   the stated purpose of the works and the apparent suitability of the works for the purpose; and
(b)   the necessity for, and the advisability of, the works; and
(c)   value for money achieved, or likely to be achieved, by the works; and
(d)   revenue produced by, and recurrent costs of, the works or estimates of revenue and costs for the works; and
(e)   the present and prospective public value of the works, including, for example, consideration of the impact 
       of the works on the community, economy and environment; and
(f)    procurement methods for the works; and
(g)   the balance of public and private sector involvement in the works; and
(h)   the performance of—
       (i)    the constructing authority for the works; and
       (ii)   the consultants and contractors for the works; with particular regard to the time taken for finishing the works
              and the cost and quality of the works; and
       (iii)  the actual suitability of the works in meeting the needs and in achieving the stated purpose of the works.


Submissions closed:17 July 2018 - see "view submissions" tab above
Public briefing:Monday 17 September 2018 - transcript
Public hearing(s):Monday 17 September 2018 - transcript
Report tabled on:28 November 2019 - view report
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